Since the day when humans faced the problem of population increase and food security, they have always thought of methods and issues based on which they can harvest more crops per unit area, this should either be done through the genetic modification of seeds and seedlings. or by using auxiliaries in various natural or chemical fields, the production systems of agricultural products are assisted. Over time, this matter itself took a large set of studies, productions, researches and examination of the results to the point where today it is necessary to produce a product from the time of seeding and planting to the time of storage and harvesting and even in the time after harvesting. A wide variety of materials are used in the production, preservation and storage of products until they reach the consumers' tables.

Our effort is to acquaint the applicants with the best materials and consumption of the most suitable type and amount of each required item in any type of activity, and to provide help for the production and increase of prosperity and wealth for the producer and the health of the product for the consumer.

Recommending and providing auxiliary inputs in various fields of agriculture (agriculture, gardens, greenhouses, animal husbandry and fisheries) in the form of food supplements, chemical fertilizers, poisons and other natural substances.

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